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Hi everyone! How are you?

I’m Eriko of Eriko Juku.



Recently my friends living in Japan have been sending me pictures of blooming spring flowers.

Spring is just around the corner, desu ne.



Well, the “ne” of “desune”, in what situations do you think to use it?

Today I would like to talk about the final particles "ne" and “yo”.


Briefly, the "ne" is used when the speaker and the listener are talking about something they already have in common. "yo" is used to alert the listener to new information that the speaker believes that the other party does not know.


Today, I would like to take the time to talk in more detail about the varied nuances depending on the intonation.


“ne” with a falling or level(flat) intonation indicates that the speaker is asking for agreement, softening a statement or providing information in a non-business-like friendly manner in response to a question. Let’s take a look at an example.

1. 同意を求める / asking for agreement

 A: この部屋、ちょっと暑いね。→/↓  (This room is a little hot, isn’t it?)

 B: うん、いつもより暑いね。→  (Yeah, hotter than usual.)

2. やわらかい言い方 / softening a statement

 A: 今日も遅刻したね。→   (You came late today as well, didn’t you.)

 B: すみません。  (Sorry.)

3. カジュアルなニュアンス / non-business-like, friendly manner

 A: 昨日のパーティーはどうでしたか。(How was the party yesterday?)

 B: とても、にぎやかでしたね。→   (It was really hopping.)


So, what about when the intonation of the "ne” is rising?

In this case, it is for confirmation. Look at these example sentences as well.

A: 今日は、月曜日ですね。↑ (Today is Monday, isn’t it?)

B: そうですよ。( Yes, it is.)

A: この漢字、あってるよね。↑ (This kanji is correct, right?)

B: うん、正しいよ。(Yep, it’s correct.)



So, let's take a look at "yo". First, rising intonation, indicates that the speaker wants to “draw the listener’s attention” to what the speaker is saying.

It is also possible to use falling intonation to express "annoyance".

Let's look at an example sentence.

A: はやく寝ないと、明日起きられないよ。↑ (注意を引く

A: If you don’t hurry up and get to bed. you won’t be able to wake up tomorrow .(draw the listener’s attention)

B: わかってるよ。↓ (いら立ち

B: Yeah, I know. (irritated)


In summary, as I said at first "ne" is used when you tell about what you are sharing with each other, "yo" is used when talking about what you think would be new information for the other party.



We don’t know the intonation just by looking at the text, it might be hard to understand. In such case, let's practice while talking with me in my online lessons!


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See you!

English Translation : Rhys Vogel

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