Eriko Kasai
- May 9, 2017
日本の五月病ってなに?/What is "May Disease"?
In Japan, we have something called “May Disease” that happens as the season changes and the air becomes light.
Today, I would like to introd
Eriko Kasai
- Jan 11, 2017
鍋(なべ)を食(た)べます/ You eat a POT?!( metonymy )
こんにちは、絵里子塾のえりこです。 さて、先日バンコクは急に3日間ほど寒くなってびっくりしました。 朝の気温が18度ぐらいだったんですよ。 Hi! Eriko of Eriko-juku here. Well, recently I was surprised when...
Eriko Kasai
- Nov 26, 2016
間違いやすいカタカナの単語~Katakana words that are easily mistaken~
It’s difficult to write katakana smoothly, have you ever thought that? For example, the names of things that you have often seen in daily li
Eriko Kasai
- Jun 5, 2016
教科書に載ってない若者言葉(2016年現在) Expressions used by young people that don’t appear in the textbooks (as of 20
I would like to talk about today’s words used by young people that aren’t in a textbook.
Typically I say young people’s expressions but ther
Eriko Kasai
- May 12, 2016
There are many Japanese words that can’t be translated to a single phrase in English.
One of them that I would like to introduce today is &q
Eriko Kasai
- Mar 8, 2016
What is "旬(Syun)"?
How many seasons are there
- Feb 4, 2016
こんにちは。 絵里子塾のえりこです。 今日はさっそくクイズから始めましょう。 Hello! Eriko of Eriko-juku here. Today let’s start with a quiz. <Quiz 1>...