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漢字を楽しもう!Kanji is fun!


Hi everyone! I’m Eriko.

私のレッスンでは、主に文法や会話の練習を提供しています。 ただ、漢字の意味、読み方、書き方などはオンラインではあまり教える機会がないので、今日はみなさんに楽しくわかりやすく漢字を勉強できるウェブサイトをご紹介しますね。

My lessons mainly offer grammar and conversation pratice. However, there’s not much opportunity to teach meaning, reading and writing of kanji online so today I want to introduce you to a fun, easy-to-understand website for studying kanji.



First, a very easy-to-use and a lot of information is presented here.



This not only has meaning, reading and stroke order of kanji but examples and meanings of vocabulary which use that kanji.


Sound data is also included. When you click on the kanji for "fish" and the pronunciation, animated stroke order, onyomi (Chinese reading), kunyomi (Japanese reading) and which words have this kanji are provided.


Most Japanese have names written in kanji, right? So I entered my name.

このように、一つ一つの漢字の意味や読み方がでてくるんです。 ですから、漢字の名前じゃない方が日本で漢字の印鑑を作りたいときや、書道で漢字の名前を書きたいときは、これを使って気に入った漢字を探すのもいいかもしれませんよ。

The meaning and reading of each kanji appears in this way. So people whose name doesn’t have kanji but want to make a personal seal in Japan or if you want to write in calligraphy a name in kanji it might be good to use this to search for a kanji that you like

次は、日本のアニメや漫画のファンのみなさんがきっと楽しめるページです。 クイズ形式になっているので、楽しみながら勉強できます。

Next is a website that Japanese anime and comic book fans will surely enjoy. It’s in a quiz format so you can have fun while studying.


Furthermore, the kanji quizzes are divided into categories, for example, “ninja”, “love, “school” and “samurai”. Anime and comic book fans, are you excited just hearing about this?

さて、最後にご紹介するのは、誰でも受けられる漢字の試験です。 外国人のための日本語の試験といえばJLPTですね。 だから日本人の私はもちろん受けられません。 でも、漢字検定は、漢字を勉強している人なら年齢や国籍を問わず受けられます。

Well, the last one is a kanji test that anyone can take. It’s the Japanese test for foreigners, the JLPT (Japanese Language Proficiency Test). So of course I can’t take it because I’m Japanese. However, people who are studying for The Japan Kanji Aptitude Test can take it regardless of age or nationality.


Also, overseas group testing, CBT (Computer Based Testing) are carried out so those who want to try testing their kanji skills, by all means, please take the test.

たくさんの試験対策本が出ていますので、しっかり勉強してから受けてみると実力がしっかり試せると思いますよ。 受けるレベルを調べるためにはこちらのページを見てみてください。

There are many books to prepare for the test so I think try to take the test after studying seriously and your abilities will be properly tested. Take a look at this page to find the level to take.


Also, use this free application and you can study one kanji character per day.


It would be good to become able to know interesting things about kanji, smoothly read and write kanji, wouldn’t it?



By the way, I also have interest in The Japan Kanji Aptitude Test. The other day I went to a bookstore and opened a grade 1 book and thought “Huh!? Japanese?”. I was a little surprised about some of the kanji. I have to study…


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Let’s meet again at a lesson or the blog!

English Translation : Rhys Vogel

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